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Thursday 24 November 2011

Toilet seat does it all for you

A toilet seat that can relieve constipation besides washing, drying and even massaging the nether regions is on show in Dubai.

The Bio Bidet gives a whole new meaning to going paperless in the digital age and also does away with self-wash.

The US product is on display at The Big 5 International Building & Construction Show till Thursday. Its wireless remote operates a small nozzle that sprays water in different strengths and styles, including a "turbo" mode, massage and "feminine washing".

Besides "pampering" areas down under , the massage is even said to relieve constipation, as a "pulsating water stream stimulates the rectum area to help bowel movement". The feminine setting is for gentle frontal use, providing a "soft aerated mist". The "enema" option funnels force on a small area, while an "oscillating" or moving setting covers for "wide cleaning". The automatic retractable nozzle itself is self-washing and cleans up before and after each use. Users can also adjust the water pressure and temperature at the touch of a button.

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There is no danger of spills as seat sensors shut off the spray if a person stands up. Any leftover dampness can be air-dried by warm blowers under the bowl rim. It also has a "powerful deodoriser that eliminates 90 per cent of embarrassing odour". The seat is made up of "anti-bacterial materials" and can also be heated on demand. And the lid cover is slam-proof and comes down slowly when tapped.

The Supreme 1000 version, with the remote control, costs Dh2,075. One model even comes with flashy LED lights. "It's become a fancy thing in homes and five-star hotels. You don't need toilet paper, you don't even have to wash your hands," said Asem Banat, General Manager of the product's UAE dealer, Strong Building Materials.

He added that Bio Bidet is a new product in the Middle East, where regular bidets are often installed next to toilet seats. "This innovation's especially good for the physically challenged, elderly or weak persons. You don't need someone inside the washroom with you, there's a remote control."

Fast and Furious

Also on show was the world's "fastest, most hygienic" hand dryer, the Dyson Airblade. Unlike regular dryers, this UK product doesn't use heated "dirty washroom air" to evaporate water, but instead "scrapes off" wetness by blasting thin sheets of air at 640km/h. It claims to completely dry the hands in 10 seconds and uses only filtered air.

Nice View

Your window may not offer the great outdoors, but you can still have a great view — by peering out a virtual window. eScape offers life-like digital footage of stunning scenery with crisp sound effects framed in real window trims. From crashing waves to gentle mountain streams, the illusion can take you to the wilderness from your sofa. "It costs around Dh50,000," a company representative said.

Clean and Green

A "revolutionary" new product that uses invisible silver particles to kill even the deadliest of germs has been launched.

Microsilver by Swiss technology maker Sterilos is non-toxic to humans. The liquid concentrate can be added to sprays, varnishes, coatings or paints to apply on any surface.

2 comments: said...

Its nice


Fonso said...