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Wednesday 30 November 2011

curvy women

Why curvy women will always score above size-zero ones?
have often hated the media/advertising industry for the manner in which they impact our mind, brainwash our sensibilities and make us believe not just an alternate view but its exact opposite, i.e. absolute lies. No, this article is not about how penetrative advertising campaigns can blunt the human brain. I say this simply to underline the fact that the beauty industry and media seem to have joined hands with the modeling and fashion world to peddle a sinisterly twisted image of beauty. Apart from a few handful women who have been able to make peace with their actual body image, most of them remain hooked on to this manufactured perception that thinness equals beautiful.

I present a personal, and hopefully insightful, opinion on what I perceive as a psychological and health deterrent to women across the world, believing that a peek into an average male’s psyche will help them realize the truth.

My Tryst With Women & Being Attracted To Them
I recall my first crush was in standard VIII, at a time when I had just entered the pubertal years. Like most guys my age in our only-boys school (tragically true), the center of my attraction and my first, true crush was one of our Science teachers. She wasn’t thin by the beauty benchmarks existing today and I recall being obsessed and nearly worshipping her curvy, very Asian figure. Yes, it might seem that this phase of hormonal crushes cannot be counted among educated opinions but I am merely trying to present a more comprehensible picture of how most men are drawn towards fuller, curvier women from the very beginning. To my utter disgust at that time, I found that I wasn’t her only admirer. Her fan club included nearly all my classmates and nearly another 200 students, counting up to the senior grades!

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