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Saturday 29 October 2011

How to Improve Page Rank for a Blog


Find operators of other websites that are willing to swap links between the pages where your blog is and their pages. Search engines such as Google use this criteria, not only to determine page rank, but to move you up in their search results. Also, the higher the page rank of the sites that link to you, the better. Pages with higher page ranks tend to boost yours.


Make your subject matter topical, such your opinion of the news of the day or of issues that are of concern to a majority of people. This will result in other pages linking to yours (many without your knowledge) because you support their views.


Give the title of your page a unique name, but one that is easily searchable. The easier it is for the search engines to find your blog or website, the higher your page rank will become.


Search engines tend to ignore blogs that are less than 250 words, so use that length as a minimum.


Set up meta tags including a description and several keywords, which should be repeated at least three times in your blog. Search engines will use these to find your blog or website.


Use headlines and subheads in your blog. Search engines tend to rank these fairly high when they examine your website, and they should increase your ranking

Read more: How to Improve Page Rank for a Blog |

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